Life does not give you what you deserve, it only gives you what you are and what you demand.
You are what you say you are. Many of us have spent our lives defining ourselves by what people have called us.
The foundation for success is your character.
What you believe affects what you become, if you believe you can succeed, start acting it now.
It is your character that determines your future.
A lizard at home cannot become an aligator abroad .
Succeeding in business is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice.
Success has no respect or regard for who you are.
Once you can follow and apply the principle it will surely come to you.
The principle of success make your succeeding predictable.
You will succeed if you choose to believe. No matter what is going on today, if you don't believe you will succeed, there is nothing anybody can do about it.
You first be, before it can come, that is what the word Become stand for, you first be, before your success will come.
People are not succeeding today because they want to become on the outside what they are not on the inside.


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