Personal Development is a must for everyone that wants to achieve greatness. Someone once said that the largest room on earth is the room for improvement, no matter the level you are right now, there is always a better way of doing whatever you are doing.
Life was programmed for growth and development.
The best thing you will ever do to yourself as a person is to regularly develop and improve yourself.
 According to Ben Carson  quoting from his book "Take the Risk" he said that there are two worlds in this world, that many of us will never get to the next world simple because we don't read, and if i want  to explain what i think he meant is that, there are things nobody will tell us or teach us, they are waiting for us inside different books.
There are things to discover and uncover they are all waiting for you inside a book.
 People have taken years and century's to carry out research and put them inside books, these research and discovery are waiting for you and i to discover.

1. Release of your Potentials: There is a rich  deposit inside of you and it will take personal development to force it out.

2. It prevents Stagnation: Stagnant water stinks, you need to keep developing yourself so as to prevent stagnation. If you stay too long in a spot you become a spot yourself. Just ensure you are moving ahead.

3. The world is Developing: The world is moving at a very fast rate, things are changing by the day, there are new discovery by the day, your inability to develop yourself will automatically make you lose relevance.
Failure to improve yourself makes you become a victim of your assignment in destiny.
Do something about yourself today, get a book, go for seminars, buy a tape, cd and download messages that will keep you updated, because if you are not updated you will be outdated. Watch out for season Three, feel free to drop a comment if this message has blessed you. Thanks...


Unknown said…
This is powerful! Thanks.
Thank u so much, am grateful. Where is this comment coming from...
Thanks Mrs Uche, am truly grateful.
Unknown said…
Sagacious! Keep it up.

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