The journey of a thousand mile begins with a dream.
Dreams are pictures of our desired destination.
The greatest asset of a man is the ability to dream.
If you can dream it, you can reach it.
Whatever your mind can picture, your hand will surely capture.
If you must fulfill your child hood dream you must never lose hold of your destiny.
To keep your Hope alive is to keep hold of your destiny.
Whatever you don't see, you can't lay hold of it.
Never you stop dreaming because it is an assurance to your future.
The journey of a thousand mile begins with a dream.
Dreams are pictures of our desired destination.
The greatest asset of a man is the ability to dream.
If you can dream it, you can reach it.
Whatever your mind can picture, your hand will surely capture.
If you must fulfill your child hood dream you must never lose hold of your destiny.
To keep your Hope alive is to keep hold of your destiny.
Whatever you don't see, you can't lay hold of it.
Never you stop dreaming because it is an assurance to your future.