Too many people are hungry for success forgetting that the hunger for God can satisfy their hunger for success.

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 Kjv.

Success begins and ends with God, a success without God gives satisfaction, but a success with God brings fulfillment.

It is time to rise and progress spiritually, set yourself apart. God wants to walk with you.

Where is your hunger for His presence.

It is His presence that makes the difference in everything we do.

Pursue his presence, crave for it.
An unquenchable fulfillment awaits you.

Spiritual hunger doesn't come naturally like physical hunger, it is a gift that must be nutured and developed.

I will be publishing how to nuture and develop your spiritual hunger in part 2 stay  connected.


Unknown said…
Ride on my pastor. Good one sir
Unknown said…
Ride on my pastor. Good one sir

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