The battles of life are never ending, as long as you are living on the face of the earth, you will be confronted with daily battles.

There are better ways to fight the battles of life.

You can develop positive attitude and postive approach towards the issues and challenges that confront you daily.

Lets look at some of these Habit/Approach.

* Hard Work: You can break limit and patterns with the attitude of hard work, no matter the opportunity and privilages given to you, if you are not hard working, you will sure fail in destiny.

* Time : You must develop the ability to manage yourself to keep to time in all you do, this will enable you to overcome forces and battles easily.

* Committment: To give your all to your work, your dream and pursuit. Until you give your all life will not give you what you deserve.

* Tolerance: You must develop the capacity  to tolerate things and issues design to distract you. Always keep your eyes on your focus.

* Prayer: Maintain a regular lifestyle of prayer, a prayerful man is a success in the making, because God almighty is the surest Partner in the journey of life.

Never forget this the strongest people are not those who show strenght in front of us, but those who win battles that we know nothing about.


Man GOD true talk sir, u will live long sir

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